Monday, May 3, 2010


An orb of promise, hope and possibility
Descends upon an awaiting crowd.
Palms held skyward and eager;
Fingers unfurled like blooms.
The determined sure hands of believers
Jostle with the quivering fingers of the non.

A minnow in my mind
Bubbles to the top of my fish bowl memory,
Where my non-believing hands
Had once let hopes and expectation
Plummet, uncontested, to the ground
With a predictable, uninspiring thud.

But not I, determined my little man,
With the prize securely grasped in both hands.
“I caught the ball”, he declared to his departing contesters,
Before throwing it absentmindedly back to the pitcher.
“Ahhh”, I finally see.
It had been just a ball
All along.

© Strauss
3rd May 2010


  1. Hi there fellow Aussie..Isn't it great how the mind thinks and conceives.It been amazing to read the different analogies about this Fish ball/bowl... Maybe we are all Madhatters?Lol
    I like your illusion, its thought provoking..
    Bless you..

  2. Strauss,
    Well done!
    the reality of success rubs away the memory of failure.

  3. ha. wonderful tale...the thud was very audible...glad he caught the ball. smiles. nice magpie!

  4. If it weren't for illusion... this is a finely crafted and provocative piece!

  5. I, being the ultimate baseball fan, loved how you used the simple and exhilarating act of catching the ball in your Magpie. Well done ...

  6. Strauss, that is very thought provoking.

  7. I like how you included the mysterious upward hands so many of us saw! Nice piece.

  8. A very deep meaning here I think...
    .....Where my non-believing hands
    Had once let hopes and expectation
    Plummet, uncontested, to the ground
    With a predictable, uninspiring thud.

    Sad to think he let hopes and expectations go!


  9. Yes Christine, but sometimes when we removed the pressure of hope and expectation (especially others) and see things for what they really are, thwy are easier to catch;)

    Thank you all for your kind comments.

  10. Dear Strauss: We often place a lot of expectations on our lives too many to accomplish. We thereby feel defeated when it comes to passing the ball or the flame torch (representing our lives) onto the next generation The baseball analogy was so much more than apt it was very appropriate. Excellent grasp on life and the ball!

  11. Nice Magpie. Love how it makes me think one way, then ends up being something altogether different from what I originally thought.

  12. I think that happened in my son's game yesterday!
    I love how children catch the possibilities, not having analyzed themselves out of belief.
    Lovely poem!

  13. It is best to believe in the orb of hope and possibilty when one is trying to throw that no-hitter. Nicely done.

  14. Oh, this gets my favourite of the week. I love it when writers will delve into abstract. Such wonders and mystery await us there! But then, "It had just been a ball all along."
