Monday, July 4, 2011


Sunlight strains through a dust stained window,
Speckled in last spring’s dried raindrops.
Bruised shadows fan the entirety of a compromised chamber;
Not radiant, not luminous, not exactly dull, but – gentle and subdued.
They flicker as the sunlight plays with the stirring foliage outside
Like shadow puppets behind a calico screen.
I could cleanse the tainted glass;
Lift the burden from its smattered lens;
The light would then flood blindingly, naturally, dazzlingly,
But I have become accustomed to the bruised shadows,
And they trouble you not.
Those gentle bruised shadows, they dance for me.

© Strauss

Image by David Evans


  1. shadows dance for me,

    how beautiful and haunting, love the imagery, mind blowing one.

  2. I really like this. You took the mundane and made it beautiful; not an easy thing to do.

  3. subtle use of imagery, cool piece Strauss.
